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12 12 pep banner labbiotecmarThe Marine Biotechnology Laboratory (BIOTECMAR), coordinated by Professor Fabiano Thompson, develops innovative research on the themes of biodiversity, pathogens, contaminants, prospecting, genomics, post-genomics, computational biology, and transfer to the productive sector. It develops biosensors applied in the industry (pollution monitoring: domestic and industrial sewage, oil spills and ore tailings) and for environmental monitoring. It also develops pioneering studies on reef systems, Greater Amazonian Reef, Abrolhos, oceanic islands (São Pedro and São Paulo, Trindade, Abrolhos), coastal region (Rio de Janeiro coast, Guanabara Bay and deep sea, and Antarctica, aiming to develop biotechnological products and processes, and understand the functioning of these marine systems. Development of new therapeutic products to combat infectious diseases from marine biodiversity. It also develops studies on water quality and water security in several river regions of the country (including Amazonas, São Francisco Rivers, Contas, Paraguaçu, Doce, Paraopeba, and Guandu) Coordinates the MCTIC BIOTECMAR National Network.

 laptop 1 Visit the BIOTECMAR website.
